Monday 24 October 2011

Cycle Infrastructure

There was an interesting discussion on twitter about what is required to do to improve the lot of cyclists.

Sometimes 140 characters is not enough to express an opinion, so here goes with nearly unlimited characters !!

The problem is lack of infrastructure, a car culture that makes cycling scary, and police that don't appear to think cyclists are a priority. No cautions, for parking in cycle lanes, no cautions for stopping in advanced stop areas, no interest when difficult junctions are pointed out, just my experiences.

As a councillor I have never been asked about cycling provision. I was elected in 1992. I have been asked about car congestion, about speeding traffic, cars parking on the pavement, lack of parking spaces, untaxed cars, all familiar issues for a local councillor. 

As I try and get my colleagues to look at, and a number of other green issues, they look blankly. No mentioning it to them, what is the problem, just pandering a crazy minority. We need to generate a critical mass, a number of people that can't be ignored. In someways I am not helpful, I already cycle, I have learnt to use lots of lights not to cycling in gutter to give myself space to keep away from the potholes, what about new cyclists, what makes them safe and not give up after one day ? Do we provide things for cyclists like me or do we provide for non cyclists, is that more car free zones ?

The vision is to link up all the urban areas in Bath and North east Somerset with car free paths, can it be done. Why not? I just need a little help.

1 comment:

Ming said...

Shall we start with the Wellsway Nigel. We have a bus lane on one side which is not much use as you don't have priority at the end. On the other side you have a central reservation that is no longer straight so the traffic merges into your path as the width narrows.