Showing posts with label council. Show all posts
Showing posts with label council. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Why long lorries are not good

Sometimes it appears that the government, of what ever complexion is influenced too much by interest groups. This is one case in point. Maybe a small voice maybe heard, below is my attempt to be heard via Bath and North east Somerset coouncil The council expresses concern that the Department for Transport is pressing ahead with a ten-year trial of longer lorries, despite acknowledging the potential danger to vulnerable road users and the impact on road infrastructure, in heritage cities such as Bath.     During its first year, the trial could see 1,800 of the larger vehicles on the roads of the UK.   The Council asks    The leader of the council to write to the secretary of state for transport expressing this councils concerns.  Asks the council's officers to look at the effect of these lorries on the roads through Bath, with a view to mitigating any risks, such as lorries getting stranded, and damage to Bath's vaults.